
2024 International Student Awards Winners

Meet the winners of the 2024 International Student Awards

Award winners of the 2024 StudyAdelaide international student awards
Last Updated Tuesday 8th October, 2024

International Student of the Year 2024

Richard Kennedy is an outstanding and inspirational student working tirelessly to create a more inclusive and equitable society. Richard’s achievements are not about personal success for him. They are about uplifting and empowering others to make meaningful changes through collaboration and shared advocacy. With an extraordinary commitment to his mission, Richard is a well-deserving winner of this year’s International Student of the Year.  

Winner: Richard Kennedy from Indonesia 

Studying: Master of Disability Practice and Leadership at Flinders University  

Richard Kennedy’s unwavering commitment to disability rights and inclusion has earned him the 2024 International Student of the Year Award. As a legally blind student from Indonesia, Richard is an advocacy trailblazer and staunch supporter of the disability community. He says his work is his calling, and he intends to dedicate his career to building a more inclusive and equitable society. 

With a belief in the power of collaboration and community, Richard has worked closely with students, university staff, teachers, employers and community organisations to create meaningful change. He says inclusion is a journey, and he enjoys working with others to pioneer accessible practices and ensure that people with disabilities have what they need to succeed. 

Richard credits the support he gets from his mum, family, peers, friends, university, and God as an essential ingredient in his success, and he shares his achievements with these fellow champions of his cause. Richard loves his identity as both a person with a disability and an Indonesian, and he has contributed countless volunteer hours to initiatives that bring people together to bridge cultural gaps, celebrate diversity and build a more inclusive world.  

Richard dreams of being an international disability rights lawyer and a disabled scholar, and we can see through his hard work, dedication and endless passion that he is already well on his way to realising that dream. This award is not just a testament to Richard’s achievements but also to his vision of a more inclusive and equitable society where everyone belongs. 

Richard is also the winner of the 2024 Academic Postgraduate Coursework Award, the 2024 Peer Support Award and highly commended in the 2024 Community Engagement Award.

Academic Excellence: Postgraduate (Research) Awards

From healthy aging to structural soil impacts to innovations in construction industry management, the winners in the postgraduate research category are exploring major issues with wide-reaching impacts. While lived experiences in their home countries inspired all three awardees, their research has the capacity to address challenges on a global scale. 

Winner:  Nishadi Gamage from Sri Lanka

Studying: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Medicine at the University of Adelaide  

With an exceptional academic record in her physiotherapy studies at home in Sri Lanka, Nishadi was awarded a scholarship to study for an MSc in Sport and Exercise Medicine in the United Kingdom. Winning multiple awards during her MSc, Nishadi is now pursuing her PhD in Medicine via a joint program with the University of Nottingham and the University of Adelaide, making her educational journey truly global. 

Nishadi’s research focuses on age-associated brain and muscle function declines and explores various neuroplasticity interventions to delay deterioration. Nishadi’s career path was inspired by her mother, whose dedicated work as a nurse significantly improved the quality of life for her patients. Witnessing her mother’s commitment led to Nishadi’s interest in exercise medicine and research in healthy aging.  

During her PhD studies, Nishadi worked as a teaching assistant and has achieved seven full-article publications. Nishadi’s research aims to bridge the gap between research and clinical practice and deliver real-world benefits to a rapidly aging population. 

Highly Commended: Bikash Devkota from Nepal

Studying: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Civil Engineering at the University of South Australia

As the recipient of the ‘Highly Commended’ award in this category for the second year, Bikash’s achievements continue to impress and inspire. His study record is exemplary, with many high distinctions and commendations along the way. Bikash’s determination to achieve has taken him from a childhood marked by adversity and the tragic loss of his father to a global education, enabled by the scholarships he worked hard to achieve so he could continue his study dreams. 

Inspired by a near-drowning experience in childhood, Bikash’s research focuses on reactive soil movement and its impact on built structures. With climate change likely to worsen soil problems, Bikash hopes his research will play a significant role in helping minimise vulnerabilities in future construction design. 

With more than 10 years of field experience, Bikash is interested in linking research with industry practices. He enjoys collaborations and wants to foster further connections with world-class researchers, academics and practitioners. 

Highly Commended:  Tennakoon Mudiyanselage Maheshi Pabasara Tennakoon from Sri Lanka

Studying: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Construction Management at the University of South Australia

After witnessing widespread worker shortages, supplier issues and other construction challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, Tennakoon Mudiyanselage sought to explore innovative solutions for the industry. 

Her research explores how integrating offsite construction practices and innovative procurement strategies can improve construction supply chains. With the Australian construction industry predicting surges in vacancies for skilled workers, the need for Tennakoon Mudiyanselage’s research is significant. By improving supply chain resilience, offsite construction could help address current challenges, such as housing shortages, leading to more reliable and efficient infrastructure development. 

Tennakoon Mudiyanselage presented her findings to international academics and industry practitioners at the Australasian Universities Building Education Association’s 2023 conference. Aspiring to become a construction management lecturer, she looks forward to extending her research efforts and sharing her knowledge with future generations. 

Academic Excellence: Postgraduate (Coursework) Awards 

From a passion for disability rights and inclusion to a determination to improve water and economic security for an entire industry, the winners in the 2024 postgraduate coursework category bring lived experiences and an innate understanding of the issues to their work that is helping to make a brighter future for everyone.   

Winner: Richard Kennedy from Indonesia

Studying: Master of Disability Practice and Leadership at Flinders University 

After completing law studies in Indonesia, Richard, who is legally blind, came to Adelaide to take up formal education in the disability field. As a passionate disability rights advocate, he wanted to strengthen his practice and contribute to high-quality research focused on the rights and needs of people with disabilities. 

While Richard initially struggled to adapt to a new academic environment, through hard work, persistence and reaching out for support, he has thrived in his studies, maintaining an excellent GPA. Richard has immersed himself in many research projects and presented his work at several international conferences.  

Richard’s contributions go far beyond the classroom. He has made a significant impact as an advocate for fellow international students with disabilities, delivering disability awareness training, championing greater accessibility and making positive changes to disability access plans to ensure students have all the support they need to succeed. As part of a collaboration between Bedford Group and the Multicultural Communities Council of SA, Richard worked on an internship project to introduce inclusive and culturally sensitive practices for working with people with disabilities from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds. 

Richard says his postgraduate studies have provided many opportunities for him as an emerging disabled scholar and disability rights lawyer. He has made meaningful connections with academics, professionals and communities in the disability field and is already making a difference as a trailblazer for disability rights. 

Highly Commended: Hoan To from Vietnam

Studying: Master of Engineering (Water Resources Management) at the University of South Australia  

Born and raised in a small village in rural Vietnam, Hoan was only four when his father tragically passed away. With his family facing immense hardship, Hoan’s life revolved around the labour-intensive practice of rice farming. Through this, he learnt first-hand the critical role water management plays in supporting his family and the whole community.  

This experience led Hoan to a career in water engineering, where he soon became aware of the devastating impact of freshwater scarcity on millions of Vietnamese farmers, particularly in the Mekong Delta, where droughts and salinisation threaten the region's rice agriculture industry. 

Determined to find solutions, Hoan came to Adelaide to pursue his postgraduate studies, achieving a perfect 7.0 GPA and a Chancellor’s Letter of Commendation. Hoan was honoured to be recognised as the first author of a study accepted for presentation at the Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium in Melbourne.  

Hoan’s involvement in various activities, including student mentoring and teaching, has helped him develop speaking and leadership skills. Hoan hopes to move into PhD studies and return to his country as an expert in his field who can tackle complex engineering problems. 

Academic Excellence: Undergraduate Awards 

With a desire to make a difference, this year’s winners in the undergraduate category are pursuing academic excellence and gaining real-world experience that will set themselves up for impactful careers advancing social justice and developing biotechnology products.

Winner: Shafa Amani Anargya Pragiwaka from Indonesia

Studying: Bachelor of International Relations and Political Science at Flinders University

Shafa is pursuing double-degree studies in political science and international relations from Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia) and Flinders University. With consistently high academic results and an active involvement in her student community, Shafa is embracing a global education. 

Driven by a passion for human rights and social justice, Shafa’s studies explore why inequality happens and how to stop it. Having witnessed how disparity in international employment laws can unfairly impact people, Shafa deeply desires to be part of a much-needed global change. 

Shafa’s research and community work has focused on issues such as domestic violence, Indigenous rights and transformative justice. She has also been invited to speak on topics such as mental health and burnout in the field of international relations. Shafa believes ‘that knowledge is best performed when given back to the community.’ 

Shafa’s involvement in research and grassroots programs has ignited her passion for a career in academia, where she hopes to help dismantle systemic barriers and amplify the voices of those who are often unheard. 

Highly Commended: Wei Theng Eng from Malaysia

Studying: Bachelor of Biotechnology at the University of Adelaide   

Wei Theng’s study journey as a continuous pursuit of excellence is reflected in her outstanding academic achievements and dedication to personal growth. With a lifelong love for science, Wei Theng chose to study biotechnology, enjoying the experience of hands-on lab time and learning how to apply her knowledge to real-world problems.  

A study tour to South Korea gave Wei Theng an understanding of the global biotechnology industry and sparked an interest in the connection of science, business and regulation. Wei Then wants to pursue further studies and explore a career in areas that will ensure the quality and integrity of new biotechnical products. 

Beyond her studies, Wei Theng has volunteered actively in student groups and community events. She’s also participated in several entrepreneurial projects, earning a Best Oral Presentation award. With a drive to succeed and a passion to make a difference, Wei Theng is building a promising path to a successful biotechnology career. 

Academic Excellence: Pathways Awards

With determination to build successful future careers, our 2024 pathways winners have made the most of academic and social opportunities to develop knowledge, skills and friendships that will stay with them. Through hard work and perseverance, they’ve achieved exceptional academic results and laid a strong foundation for their exciting journeys ahead.  

Winner: Le Bao Uyen Truong from Vietnam

Studying: Foundation Studies Program at the University of Adelaide College 

During her pathway studies, Le Bao Uyen has worked hard to build her academic, social and English language skills. She has particularly enjoyed courses in critical thinking and Australian history, receiving exceptional results in these subjects and appearing on the college honour roll four times. 

Le Bao Uyen has also immersed herself in student life as a volunteer with the college social club, helping to organise many events bringing local and international students together. This experience built meaningful connections with fellow students and strengthened Le Bao Uyen’s sense of community in Adelaide. 

With a passion for technology and a desire to create solutions that benefit others, Le Bao Uyen is working towards a career in computer programming. While she says adapting to an unfamiliar academic environment was challenging at first, she chose to step out of her comfort zone by actively participating in group discussions, delivering presentations and building communications skills that will be integral to her future success.  

Highly Commended: Temiloluwa Ladipo from Nigeria  

Studying: Diploma in Engineering at Flinders University Academy 

While Temiloluwa began her pathway studies feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation, through hard work and dedication, she graduated feeling confident, accomplished and well-equipped for the future.

At times when Temiloluwa found her study load stressful, she used her initiative to reach out to her university’s support networks. With the encouragement of her lecturers and a determination to succeed, Temiloluwa developed vital time management skills and received an academic excellence award for the highest GPA in her program. 

Back home in Nigeria, Temiloluwa and her sister raised money to provide school supplies to a small school, demonstrating one of her core values of giving back. In Adelaide, Temiloluwa enjoys helping her classmates go from struggling to thriving by explaining complex concepts, and she also enjoys sharing her experience and advice with others thinking about studying in Adelaide. 

Driven by a lifelong love of biology and a natural aptitude for maths, science and problem-solving, Temiloluwa is working towards a career in biomedical engineering, where she hopes to make a difference in medical device development and regenerative medicine.  

Highly Commended: Tran Que Quynh from Vietnam  

Studying: Foundation Studies Program at the University of Adelaide College  

Tran’s journey as a Foundation Studies student was filled with both challenges and achievements, and she calls it one of the most transformative experiences of her life. Tran embraced the balance of theory and practical applications in her pathway studies and says the program has helped her develop essential skills and knowledge that will prepare her for a versatile career in business. 

While she found overcoming language barriers and adapting to a new academic system challenging, with the support of her teachers, Tran built her confidence and excelled in her first semester results, earning a place on the college honour roll. 

Tran joined the college social club, becoming the club’s vice president, where she helped to organise events and activities and formed friendships with fellow students from all over the world. Tran particularly enjoyed learning about other cultures, foods and beliefs, as well as sharing the beauty of her Vietnamese heritage with her vibrant college community. 

Academic Excellence: Vocational Education Training Awards 

From a hospitality student with a desire to deliver exceptional visitor experiences to a horticulture student turning a personal passion into a professional career, the winners in the vocational education and training (VET) category are following their dreams through their studies in Adelaide.   

Winner: Melissa Astillero from The Philippines  

Studying: Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management at TAFE SA  

Melissa says hospitality was not seen as a career path when she was young, but the experience of co-managing a 15-bedroom inn ignited her passion for customer service and opened her heart to the industry. Having found fulfilment in making guests happy, Melissa dreamed of a career in management, and realised she needed further study to develop her skills.  

While studying, Melissa has been working in the industry which has allowed her to develop leadership skills and make Adelaide feel like a home away from home for visitors, as it has become for her. As a student, Melissa embraces collaboration and fosters supportive relationships with fellow students, often taking the initiative to check in on her peers. Melissa says the bonds formed with her classmates helps them share the load and manage growing study demands. 

Melissa, who was the proud recipient of the Most Outstanding Student in Restaurant and Function Service in 2023, dreams of becoming a club lounge or restaurant manager and says her studies are helping her become the manager she wants to be. 

Highly Commended: Anh Nguyen from Vietnam  

Studying: Diploma of Horticulture at TAFE SA  

Food safety concerns in her home country ignited Anh’s interest in sustainable agriculture, a field she’s been independently exploring for the past decade. Eager to deepen her knowledge, Anh volunteered on Australian organic farms, an experience which solidified her passion for horticulture. 

Anh decided to study horticulture to formalise her skills and transform her passion into a professional career. Initially overwhelmed by the language barrier, Anh found solace in the supportive environment offered by her lecturers and peers, which was instrumental in building her confidence and knowledge. 

Embracing life in Adelaide, Anh has volunteered with many organisations, including undertaking bush care and planting activities with Trees for Life. A horticultural journey that began with a personal goal to produce safe and nutritional food has evolved into a career aspiration which Anh is pursuing with impressive dedication. 

Academic Excellence: Schools Awards 

The winners in the 2024 schools category have worked hard to overcome language barriers, develop leadership skills and make the most of the opportunities offered by studying abroad. Inspired by their future study and career dreams, they’re dedicated to achieving outstanding academic results, contributing to their school communities and exploring various interests outside the classroom.  

Winner: Arad Haghighatnejad from Iran

Studying: South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) at Charles Campbell College 


When he first arrived in Adelaide, Arad found it hard to juggle studying in a non-English speaking country with the demands of working two part-time jobs. However, with the support of new friends and teachers, Arad managed to overcome his challenges and finish Year 11 as the 2023 Academic Dux and winner of multiple awards. 

As a dedicated member of his school community, Arad joined the Student Leadership Committee, became the 2024 School President, and as Mathematics Prefect, helps to encourage mathematical studies at his school. 

Arad is also an accomplished violin player and member of the Adelaide Youth Orchestra. He has performed in many school events and plans to join the Australian Youth Orchestra once he finishes high school. 

With a goal of becoming a software engineer, Arad hopes to study computer science in Australia and says his participation in a school cybersecurity program is preparing him for his future career. As an outstanding student, musician and community member, Arad’s contributions are impressive and wide reaching, and his future looks exceptionally bright. 

Highly Commended: Lok Ying Chan from Hong Kong  

Studying: South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) at Immanuel College  

As a well-rounded student, Lok Ying has an outstanding academic record, achieving excellence awards and high grades in most subjects. With a passion for Japanese culture, Lok Ying has particularly dedicated herself to Japanese studies, passing the Japanese Language Proficiency Test at an advanced level. 

With a fear of public speaking, Lok Ying purposefully took on school leadership roles to improve her confidence and English language skills. As an International Student Representative, Lok Ying supports international students and has organised many interschool social events to help students feel more connected.  

Outside of academics, Lok Ying is the captain of the school’s badminton team and has won gold medals at state dance championships and a bronze medal at the national level. 

With a dream to become a pharmacist and translator, Lok Ying says her school has provided a strong foundation. The key communication, public speaking and leadership skills she has developed will serve her well in the future. 

Community Engagement Awards

Our 2024 community engagement winners have contributed to their university and broader communities by championing causes and making positive impacts in areas of health and wellbeing and disability inclusion and access. Through dedication and passion, our winners are enriching their communities while developing valuable skills that will contribute to their future success. 

Winner: Veanna Ranka from Singapore

Studying: Bachelor of Clinical Sciences, Doctor of Medicine at Flinders University  

Veanna’s commitment to having a positive impact on people’s health and wellbeing extends beyond her aspirations as a future physician. She is already making a difference through volunteering and giving back to her communities in many ways. 

As a Wellbeing Ambassador for the wellbeing centre, Oasis, Veanna champions mental health visibility and improves access to various university mental health resources and supports. With a passion for women’s health and education issues, Veanna helped raise money for the Birthing Kit Foundation Australia and is the Senior Mental and Sexual Health Officer for the university’s Health and Human Rights Group. 

On top of her health-related volunteering, Veanna also manages two non-profits in Singapore, tutors 10th-grade students and maintains social connections with friends and family, all while keeping up with her intensive medical studies. 

Veanna’s community service work has helped her overcome a fear of public speaking and develop practical skills in communicating complex and sensitive topics. She says the experiences have strengthened her desire to address wide-ranging health issues in her future practice. 


Highly Commended: Richard Kennedy from Indonesia  

Studying: Master of Disability Practice and Leadership at Flinders University  

Richard embraces his identity as an Indonesian person with a disability and loves sharing his experiences of modern Indonesian culture and disability awareness. Through his work as an Indonesian Language Learning Ambassador and an advocate for students with disabilities, Richard is helping to build inclusive and culturally rich community connections. 

Richard volunteers with several organisations, producing teaching materials and providing opportunities for Year 7 to 12 students to interact with a native Indonesian speaker. He also played a vital role in organising volunteer recruitment and disability awareness training for the Indonesia Festival Adelaide 2023. 

As a dedicated advocate for people with disabilities, Richard brings his disability lens to everything he does, actively promoting awareness and inclusion across his university campus and the wider community. 

Richard’s wide-ranging community engagement work demonstrates his endless commitment to breaking down cultural barriers, bringing awareness to accessibility needs and strengthening cross-cultural ties based on long-term cooperation and mutual respect. 

Peer Support Awards 

Our 2024 peer support winner is a champion of disability awareness and inclusion, working hard to ensure the needs of international students with disabilities are heard and met while fostering connections across all abilities to promote understanding and build lifelong friendships.   

Winner: Richard Kennedy from Indonesia  

Studying: Master of Disability Practice and Leadership at Flinders University  

Richard works tirelessly to empower international students with disabilities. As the President of the Flinders University Students with Disabilities Association (FUSDA) and a student representative for the Disability and Community Inclusion (DCI) program and the Flinders University Disability Access Committee (FUDAC), Richard ensures his peers’ unique needs are considered in decision-making processes. 

Richard has actively advocated for the availability of clearer, more accessible information related to disability services for international students and has contributed to the Flinders Disability Action Plan 2023-2026. His advocacy work includes initiating several activities to raise awareness across the wider university community, and as an adaptive technology tutor, he helps new international students learn how to use adaptive technology and adjust to the academic environment. 

Recognising the importance of mental health and well-being for international students with disabilities, Richard has also organised many social events such as dinners, picnics, BBQs and karaoke nights to help peers connect and build supportive social networks. 

Richard’s work supporting fellow international students with disabilities has strengthened his advocacy skills and built connections to help him achieve his long-term goal of becoming an international disability rights lawyer and scholar. 

Alumni Awards 

Our 2024 Outstanding Alumni winner has made significant contributions as an English teacher in his home country, teaching more than 15,000 university students and training more than 2,000 school teachers. Our 2024 Rising Stars are forging successful early careers in their respective fields of law and engineering while sharing their knowledge and experience to give back to the broader community.  

Outstanding Alumni Winner: Udomkrit Srinon from Thailand   

Graduate of: The University of Adelaide  

Studied: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Linguistics 

Since graduating with a PhD in Linguistics in 2011, Udomkrit has built an exceptional career as an English lecturer at Kasetsart University and holds the faculty position of Associate Dean for International Relations and Special Affairs. 

Udomkrit has taught English to more than 15,000 university students, supervised more than 70 master’s and PhD candidates and trained more than 2,000 primary and secondary school English teachers for the Ministry of Education. He has also been invited to give lectures and deliver professional training, and he was an expert participant in community projects for road safety and anti-smoking campaigns. 

As a proud Adelaide graduate, Udomkrit is actively involved in running various activities for the Adelaide University Alumni of Thailand to promote South Australian education. With a first-hand understanding of the benefits of an international education experience, Udomkrit also supports many international exchange opportunities for students and staff in his faculty. 

Rising Star Alumni Winner: Mary-Ann Stephen Kingu from Tanzania  

Graduate of: The University of South Australia  

Studied: Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Electrical and Electronic) 

As a student, Mary-Ann’s pursuit of excellence led to her being awarded the University of South Australia medal when she graduated in 2022. Since then, Mary-Ann has continued to excel, joining the graduate program at Schneider Electric and quickly becoming an R&D engineer. 

Mary-Ann says winning the Clipsal by Schneider Electric award in her third year of study helped her gain experience and secure her current role. With a particular interest in cybersecurity, Mary-Ann’s work includes being a Cybersecurity Project Lead, which has broadened her understanding of the organisation’s business.  

Beyond her career success, Mary-Ann gives back to her industry by advocating for women in engineering and volunteering with Engineers Australia’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee. Mary-Ann also volunteers as a student mentor with the Institute of Engineering Technology (IET), where she helps undergraduate students obtain internships and manage their studies.

Mary-Ann aspires to be in a leadership role, spearheading technological advancements in electronics and AI, particularly in addressing pressing global issues like sustainability, while also serving as a representative for women in engineering, as it is a male-dominated field.

Rising Star Alumni Highly Commended: Zixin (Elma) Li from China  

Graduate of: The University of Adelaide  

Studied: Bachelor of Laws 

After graduating with a Bachelor of Laws in 2022, Elma completed a Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (GDLP) through the Law Society of South Australia. Since finishing her studies, Elma has worked as an IP, technology and commercial lawyer, providing legal advice to help her clients minimise costs and resolve disputes effectively. 

Elma’s work includes helping Chinese clients with language barriers and offering clear, culturally sensitive advice on Australian laws. Elma is also passionate about demystifying the law for a broader audience. Her podcast, Law on Your Loungewhich she produces in Chinese and English, helps people better understand their legal rights and obligations. 

With the ultimate goal of working at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Elma plans to study for a Master of Laws to help her make a meaningful impact on global intellectual property governance.  

Student Association of the Year Award 

Uvagaithe University of Adelaide Tamil Students Society has created a vibrant and inclusive community for international students, offering cultural, social and practical support. With a focus on celebrating Tamil culture, sharing experiences and helping fellow students, the winners of the 2024 Student Association of the Year award have enriched the campus experience and added to its sense of being a happy place.  

Winner: Uvagai, The University of Adelaide Tamil Students Society  

Nominated by: Palaniappan Balasubramanian from the University of Adelaide   

Uvagai means ‘a happy place’ in Tamil, and the University of Adelaide Tamil Students Society embodies this name by creating a welcoming placed filled with joyful experiences for international students. 

Uvagai celebrates Tamil food, art, music, fashion, heritage and culture by hosting multi-faceted events that offer cultural, social and wellbeing benefits to their members. A highlight is their monthly grocery markets, offering food up to 50% below market prices. They also provide affordable, high-quality food packs during strenuous exam seasons, easing financial and time burdens for students in stressful times. 

Uvagai also runs many social gatherings, cultural performances, weekly sports activities and monthly hikes. Communal dining experiences bring students together, breaking down barriers and forging new bonds and friendships. A cornerstone of Uvagai’s vibrant calendar is the Parai Drum Revival, featuring a series of events celebrating the traditional Tamil percussion instrument. 

Driven by a team of passionate volunteers, Uvagai has significantly enhanced the experience of the international student community at the University of Adelaide, fostering a sense of cultural vibrancy and delivering much-appreciated practical support.  

Employer of the Year Award 

This year’s Employer of the Year is an exemplary employer providing an ideal environment for early career students and graduates. With a commitment to fostering an inclusive and supportive workplace and ensuring team members thrive, our winner offers hands-on experience, professional development opportunities, and the flexibility to effectively balance study, work, and life.  

Winner: UnitingSA

Nominated by: Christy Sin from the University of South Australia   

For Christy Sin, a social work student from Hong Kong, UnitingSA has provided a supportive ‘on-ramp’ to her career, fostering her professional and personal growth. Christy says the supportive and inclusive workplace culture helps all team members thrive. Christy has been given opportunities for development and training, and the flexible working hours helped her balance personal, study and professional commitments effectively. 

The diverse team at UnitingSA represents many cultures, genders and abilities, further enriching Christy’s experience. Working alongside psychologists and mental health nurses has allowed Christy to apply her knowledge while learning practical skills to support clients in the field. UnitingSA’s training in domestic violence, vicarious trauma and Aboriginal cultural awareness has further expanded Christy’s professional knowledge and skills. 

Despite facing occasional language barriers and unfortunate racial bias from one client, Christy’s supervisor has always worked quickly to help resolve any issues and ensure Christy knows she is a valued and supported member of the UnitingSA team. Christy says the positive and collaborative culture at UnitingSA has been essential in shaping her into a more skilled and effective social worker. 

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