
Secondary Junior Years 7-10

Pulteney Grammar School

Entry Requirements

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Middle School

Adolescence is an exciting, yet challenging time for students. They start to show concern for the wider community whilst trying to make sense of themselves, the world, and their place in it. It is a unique and clear stage of development and a phase of significant physical, emotional, social and intellectual change. In the Middle School students are immersed in an educational environment tailored to suit their individual needs, which develops resilience and personal responsibility.


The Middle School caters for students in Years 7, 8 and 9. It aims to provide a unique experience for students in a rewarding and understanding learning environment that recognises the needs of young adolescents. We believe that the pastoral care of each student is very important and underpins all activities. The Tutor has the responsibility for the pastoral care of the class and works very closely with the students in their tutor group. All teachers work to ensure that the social and emotional needs of each student are being met and they accomplish this through the development of positive relationships. We are concerned about each student’s development as a whole person: social, emotional, spiritual and academic. Learning is optimised when students feel safe, believe that they belong, and are capable of achieving success.

Wellbeing Scope and Sequence



Our learning program is based on the Australian Curriculum. We provide a multi-disciplinary and integrated approach with a focus on increasing academic standards. Our approach to teaching and learning in the Middle School is student-centered, and designed on the specific learning needs of adolescents.It is focused on a positive, technologically enhanced working environment, encouraging student development through social learning and interaction. The professional practice of Middle School teachers includes rigorous planning and preparation to produce engaging and authentic lessons. We aim for our students to develop an understanding of learning; and to develop a maturity and resilience to actively engage in and positively contribute to the wider community. Teaching and learning in the Middle School will be creative, innovative, collaborative, rigorous, authentic and engaging.


In the Middle School we embrace our unique city location and use it to maximum advantage in our curriculum. We believe that the cultural, historical, geographical, political, corporate and civic resources of the city provide a ‘classroom’ that can dramatically enrich the learning experience and engage young adolescents in relevant, experiential learning across all curriculum areas. Students participate regularly in excursions to a wide variety of city locations and events, all of which can be easily accessed by foot or public transport. Students are encouraged to be actively involved in community service either within our school community or in the wider community. As a result, students gain an appreciation of the diversity that makes the city of Adelaide the vibrant and special place it is, within the world and develop their ability to be aware, informed and connected global citizens who value diversity.

  • Community Service
  • Leadership
  • City Week

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Level of Study: Junior Secondary Studies

Duration: 208 weeks

CRICOS Course Code: 019538K

English Requirements: IELTS Score UG

Annual Tuition: AUD$36,900.00

More information is available at the institution's website

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